SPL Функции
PHP Manual


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2)

spl_autoload_registerRegister given function as __autoload() implementation


bool spl_autoload_register ([ callback $autoload_function [, bool $throw = true [, bool $prepend = false ]]] )

Register a function with the spl provided __autoload stack. If the stack is not yet activated it will be activated.

If your code has an existing __autoload function then this function must be explicitly registered on the __autoload stack. This is because spl_autoload_register() will effectively replace the engine cache for the __autoload function by either spl_autoload() or spl_autoload_call().

If there must be multiple autoload functions, spl_autoload_register() allows for this. It effectively creates a queue of autoload functions, and runs through each of them in the order they are defined. By contrast, __autoload() may only be defined once.

Список параметров


The autoload function being registered. If no parameter is provided, then the default implementation of spl_autoload() will be registered.


This parameter specifies whether spl_autoload_register() should throw exceptions on error.


If true, spl_autoload_register() will prepend the autoloader on the autoload stack instead of appending it.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
5.3.0 Namespaces support was introduced.
5.3.0 The prepend parameter was added.


Пример #1 spl_autoload_register() example


namespace Foobar;

Foo {
    static public function 
test($name) {
'[['$name .']]';

spl_autoload_register(__NAMESPACE__ .'\Foo::test'); // As of PHP 5.3.0

new InexistentClass;


Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

Fatal error: Class 'Foobar\InexistentClass' not found in ...

SPL Функции
PHP Manual