CUBRID Функции
PHP Manual


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)

cubrid_affected_rowsGet number of affected rows in previous Cubrid operation


int cubrid_affected_rows ([ resource $req_identifier ] )

The cubrid_affected_rows() function is used to get the number of rows affected by the SQL sentence (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE).

Список параметров


Request identifier. If the request identifier is not specified, the last request is assumed.

Возвращаемые значения

Number of rows affected by the SQL sentence, when process is successful.

-1, when SQL sentence is not INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE.

FALSE, when the request identifier is not specified, and there is no last request.


Пример #1 cubrid_affected_rows() example

cubrid_execute ($con"delete from person where name like 'j%'");
if (
$req) {
$row_count cubrid_affected_rows ($req);
cubrid_close_request ($req);

Смотрите также

CUBRID Функции
PHP Manual